Email automation
This guideline gives you information about how to set up Email Automation with our app! This feature allows you to automatically send emails to your customers, with the PDF invoice attached, when orders are placed, fulfillments are created/updated, or refunds are processed.
Naviagte to Email Automation -> Email automation from the menu bar.
After that, here’s what you can configure:
Choose the email flow: Invoice, Packing Slip, or Refund
Enable or disable automation as needed
Send emails to merchant automatically (On/Off)
Send emails to customers automatically with PDF attached (On/Off)
Apply automation for POS orders (On/Off)
Set a trigger action for the email flow
Reply email: If customer replies, the response will go to this mailbox. By default, it is the store’s email address
Add BCC recipients for better monitoring
Target Orders/Customers with specific TAGS
Target Orders/Customers without TAGS
After customizing the settings, click Save to apply the changes.
Accessing Email Automation
Naviagte to Email Automation -> Email automation from the menu bar.
After that, here’s what you can configure:
Email Automation configuration options
Choose the email flow: Invoice, Packing Slip, or Refund
Enable or disable automation as needed
Send emails to merchant automatically (On/Off)
Send emails to customers automatically with PDF attached (On/Off)
Apply automation for POS orders (On/Off)
Additional Settings
Set a trigger action for the email flow
Reply email: If customer replies, the response will go to this mailbox. By default, it is the store’s email address
Add BCC recipients for better monitoring
Target Orders/Customers with specific TAGS
Target Orders/Customers without TAGS
After customizing the settings, click Save to apply the changes.
Updated on: 24/12/2024
Thank you!