Articles on: Vify Gift Cards app

App Overview

Here is the main interface of VIFY Gift Card app:

1. Gift Cards

This shows all available gift codes created in your store (either from our app or not).

Whenever you wish to manually generate a gift code in our app, it could be done here.

The full gift code is never shown, for security purposes.

1.1. Gift code details

Click on the gift code that you want to view

How it looks like on each gift code:

1.2. Issue gift card

Once you hit the Issue gift card button, this popup will show. Simply put in the info as you wish, then hit Issue Gift card:

2. Products

This tab shows all gift card products created from our app.

You can create new ones or edit current ones as you like.

3. Theme extensions

3.1. Gift Card product

You can select the template for your gift card, and customize it further with the Custom CSS box we provide. This might require some basic knowledge of HTML/CSS.

3.2. DOM Selector

Sometimes when you publish a gift card product, it might not show on your website, or it shows both our gift card and Shopify's.

Here is where you could fix it. Ping us via Live Chat for professional assistance if needed.

4. Translations

Translate and update the texts as you like.

5. Settings

Find all the settings with VIFY Gift Card

5.1. Gift Card email

Customize the look of email sent from us whenever a gift code is generated and sent to your customers

5.2. Email branding

This is currently not available yet, but will be soon in the near future. Stay tune!

5.3. Check gift code balance

Follow the instructions to add another page in your store, where customers can check the balance of your their gift codes

Note that this only works with Gift codes generated from our app.

5.4. Gift Card redemption page

Customize the look of the redemption page

5.5. Enable theme extension

This step is essential to make sure that out app works in your store

Updated on: 29/01/2024

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