Articles on: Vify Gift Cards app

How to create a new gift card product

To create a new gift card product on our app, please follow the instructions here:

Go to Products tab and hit Add gift card product

Fill in all the necessary information to proceed

- Title: Your gift card title

- Description: Your gift card description

- Media: Add images to your gift card product, and select the one you wish to be the main picture

- Denominations: Add value and price of gift card
Note: The value field and either be a value (number) or title (text)
For example:
+ If you set value as $100 and price as $90: Customer buys the gift card for $90, but the gift code value would be $100
+ If you set the value as Birthday, and the price as $90: Customer buy the gift card for $90, and the value is also $90

- Status: Set status of the gift card product

- Tags: Add different tags to this product if you wish

- Gift card expires: Set the gift code, once generated, to expire after a certain period of time

Hit Update and that is it!

Updated on: 23/01/2024

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